10 August 2010
04 May 2009
lets hope the Globe stays alive.
It's possible The Boston Globe will announce that it's shutting down operations today, which of course would be very sad. However, as soon as I read that, I found this cartoon (click for larger):
from here.
26 March 2009
20 February 2009
oh. em. jee.
Wow. Everything in that is amazing. Unfortunately, Bango tore his ACL, and didn't mean to go through the hoop at all, which is kind of surprising to me.
Story here.
19 February 2009
Griffey Jr. is heading back to Seattle, and that's cause for celebration. Even though living in Boston means I'll get to see about 6 Mariners games this season, it's still gonna be nice to see that sweet swing in blue and white. After the awful season Seattle had (Mariners, Seahawks, Huskies were all terrible. Oh, and the Sonics became the Oklahoma City Thunder), this is good news for the city's sports situation, even if he has lost a step (or ten). Ultimately, people will be very very happy to see him there.